Friday, October 8, 2010

Kayaking the Red Cedar

While kayaking down the river today, it occured to me that perhaps life isn't a road with many forks where you choose the path you take next, like I have been thinking. Perhaps life is more like a river, with a current you are swept up in that takes you to where you are heading. And no matter how many little forks in the stream to take, no matter hard you paddle against stream, or how many diversions to the riverbank you take, sooner or later you end up back in the current, and the river continues to take you to the destination you were intended for.

If that is the case, any effort in which you divert from the current only wastes energy.

So logically, I should just be content to let to the current take me where it intends to, because no matter how hard I fight it, sooner or later, I will reach a point where I no longer have the energy to go against it and I will swept back into my intended path.

I am trying very hard to do let the current take me where it will.

But the question remains, why is nearly every fiber of my being trying so hard to fight it?

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