Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mayer Hawthorne and the County

Catching a quick Korean meal with good friend John before the concert.

There is half a chicken carcass in that soup and it looks much better than it tasted.

Then off to see Mayer Hawthorne and the County at The Rathskeller. Intimate, energetic and awesome.

Mayer Hawthorne is one heck of a showman!

Highlight of the night, a pyschedelic rendering of "Green Eyed Love" replete with chunky guitar solo. Here's a little taste from a Sydney concert last January:

I am throughly enjoying the nu-soul movement currently coursing its way up the music scene.

Opening band was Gordon Voidwell. Light, energetic danceable new wave pop with heavy eighties overtones. Like Prince meets the Tom Tom Club.

... with two trap sets.

You know you still have a way to go as an artist when you are left to pack up your own equipment while the opener's crew is setting up on the stage you just finished rocking.

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