Monday, October 11, 2010


When I moved to London eleven years ago, I shared a little loft with four roommates in a run-down apartment building just a few blocks away from Kensington Gardens. The landlord rented it out on a week-to-week basis, explaining that with such high turnover in tenancy, it was the most profitable way for him to lease. And it just happens to be perfect for itinerants like myself.

Here, I cannot even find anyone who is willing to lease month-to-month, three months rent cash-in-hand plus security deposit. Does it really make more sense to let an apartment sit empty rather than lease it guaranteed rent money for three months? Even the sublets I have looked into are only taking nine month commitments. I am all of the sudden feeling very trapped in my current settings.

Check out that amazing sunset view from Queensway Blvd!

Oh, how I miss city living.

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