Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back To My Roots

First stop on my journey, my childhood home and my temporary residence for the next few months. I have a photo of a lone pine tree on the family homestead I took nine years ago.

Over the past couple of months, I have been picturing myself sitting under this solitary tree at sunrise, meditating upon the eastern horizon as the first rays of daylight cast their brillance upon the surrounding landscape.

The reality is... the past nine years, a grove of small pine trees has popped up, blocking the eastern view and there are so many mosquitos, neither the photographer of this picture, the dog at my feet, nor I can stand still long enough to snap a decent picture of me standing in front of my not-so-lone tree.

The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry ...though usually not for the abundance of mosquitoes and fast-growing conifers.

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