Monday, September 27, 2010

Country Roads

Leaving West Virginia, I cannot help but think of the song "Country Roads" by John Denver. (Actually, first song to come that came to my mind was "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" by the Righteous Brothers, only I changed the lyrics to "I've Lost That Wheeling Feeling." )

The first verse of the song starts out, "Almost Heaven, West Virginia..." I have never understood this oft repeated slogan. Pleasant certainly, and many very beautiful sights to be seen, but West Virginia is often brutal, riddled by corruption and far from heavenly. So "Almost Heaven," John Denver? To quote my high school history teacher, "John Denver was high alright, but he didn't get that way from the Rocky Mountains."

No, the part of the song that really resonates for me is the chorus line: "Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong." That line, in a nutshell, pretty much sums up this journey I find myself on. I am looking for the road that will take me to the place I belong. I wonder if I will know when I have found it.

Also, driving past a huge highway sign for Moline, IL, I can't help but belt out my own version of a very famous Dolly Parton song:

And having posted all of that, I cannot imagine what a horrible taste in music everyone reading this must think I have. Blame my upbringing for these dusty hits. It is just like being with my old co-workers again. I don't care what anybody says, Derrick and Luke, you still win for most horrible musical repertoire in the company.

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