Friday, January 7, 2011

Ai, ai, ai

Late nights with Latvians are very fun, but make for painful early mornings at class with grammar. The Norwegians have a word for this feeling and this word is "Uff da."

Looking for sustenance today, I decided to chose adventurous. The results were mixed.

Grass Jelly Drink:
Verdict: Vile. I am no closer now to knowing what grass jelly is than I was before buying this drink, but I think it may involve straining the juice from a rotting bag of refuse and adding a hint of licorice flavoring.

Cuttlefish Crackers:
Verdict: Pretty tasty. Imagine shrimp-flavored Funyuns stamped into the shape of cross-hatched calamari bits.

Food Cart Mystery Meat:
Verdict: Delicious. I call this game 'point, pay, eat.' Point at something interesting, hand over some cash and dig in. I have no idea what I was eating, but I liked all of it. I will be playing this game more in the future.

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