Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coffee To Go

Three of my fellow students and I decided to get up early and run up Rang Hill this morning. There is a small fitness park with very concrete and steel bars in the lower half of the park and we thought it would be a good workout. Indeed. Jena, the leader of our fearless group, ran cross-country for her university team last semester, and it is clear that she is MUCH better shape than the rest of us. As the three of us lesser runners were walking to catch our breath three-quarters of the way up, Jena came careening back down around a switchback. "Hey guys, you might want to be a more quiet around this next corner -- there's a monk walking up the hill up ahead. They do their morning meditation walking up this hill sometimes, so you should probably be respectful when you pass." And with that she took off back up the hill.

Feeling guilty at our walking pace and being essentially lapped, we resolved to resume running at the next switchback, and there -- halfway up the next stretch of road -- was indeed a monk, clad in an orange robe, walking up the hill. meditating. He turned and stared at us as if we were crazy as we huffed and puffed our way past him. First a young, spry, wiry blond-haired woman passes him, then runs back down the hill, disappears around the corner, only to reappear, pass him once again and blaze up the hill. And no sooner than she is out of sight do three out of shape Americans come laboring up the hill, wheezing and struggling slowly by. It must have been quite a sight.

After a quick shower, Jena and Ross -- one of the other two runners -- and I headed out to get some breakfast. About six blocks away from the school we came across a mother and daughter who had a food cart in front of their house. After some broken English communication, Ross had ordered what he thought was two eggs and toast, I had chosen some pre-prepared mystery food from one of several pots, and Jena set off to find some coffee.

When the food came, it turned out Ross had actually ordered two plates of egg fried rice with vegetables (which looked fantastic). Jena came back with the coffees...
... (it seems as though everything you order to go here come in baggies -- even scalding hot liquids) and found herself with Ross' extra plate of fried rice. Both agreed it was excellent.

And after devouring what was on my plate, I still have no idea what I had eaten. My best guess is some sort of spicy ground fish with rice.

At any rate, this little inconspicuous mom 'n' pop operation has been a big hit and we all agreed we would be coming back for more. These are the kinds of experiences I have come to Thailand for and I hope I have many more to come.

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