Monday, December 27, 2010

Ecto-plasmic Snot

This trip to Melbourne seems to be all about indulgences. I have been stuffed by the graciousness of my brother and sister-in-law, their family, or their friends nearly every night since I've been here. Chinese dumplings, Indian take-out, Thai, pate picnics, chicken parm and chips, Christmas dinner, cider, cider, more cider, hor dourves and tapas galore, and now a full-on Aussie barbecue.

We spent last night at the home of Jack and Mauz's good friends Steve and Helena and their twins Sam and Max who are only a few days younger than Isobel. While the young ones stripped down and laughed themselves silly running around butt-naked, the adults ate themselves silly and drank themselves even sillier.

And now Jack, Mauzi and I all seem to have contracted the neon green snot-producing virus Isobel brought home from crèche last week. I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe choking on my own snot with a fever and feeling like crap.

I think we are all a little exhausted from last nights' festivities and today's illness, but cheers Steve and Helena -- you put on one heck of a barbecue!

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