Sunday, December 19, 2010

My How They Grow

Kids grow so much in 10 months. This is the niece I remember from my last visit:

I could hear her running down the hallway saying, "Where's Auntie Darrin? Where's Auntie Darrin?" And when she opened the front door and found me on the other side, there was a good deal of squealing and giggling accompanying that great big precious smile. (Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was that excited to see you?)

And now ten short months later...

... my how you've grown! My goodness, those legs and those arms and that hair! She's stretched out a bit, lost some of her baby face and I am now Auntie Erin. But guess what -- the squeals and the giggles and those big broad grins are still there and I love this little girl more than I ever could have imagined.

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