My supervisor at my old job back in West Virginia used to talk about how certain cities had a 'time,' a "heyday." Or maybe how certain times had a city that enveloped the spirit of the era. For the 1940s and 50s, he believed it was Wheeling. Say what you will and insert your jokes if you want, but from what I've heard from others and seen for myself in photographs, I believe it. I would love to travel back in time and see the hustle and bustle and --yes -- glamour of Wheeling in its "heyday." I loved the grandeur of the Victorian city-scape even as it moldered before my own eyes and I'm sure I would have loved it even more when the buildings were full, the windows were unboarded and the streets were so crowded with people the traffic could not move.
But right now, I am in Sydney, Australia. And it is even better than I remember it being two years ago. My supervisor would say it's all about timing. Being in the right city at the right time. I am never 100% sure about much of anything, but I think I have arrived at the 'right' city at the 'right' time and I am totally enamored with this city.
I am already regretting I am only here for the week.
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