Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So I Guess Someone Else Is In Town

One of the people I shared my hostel room with last night is a very animated woman who is originally from Nigeria, but now lives in Adelaide. She is here to see Oprah. Oprah and only Oprah. She lovvvvvves Oprah. "My brother asked me what I want for my birthday. I say, 'I want to see Oprah!'" She was so excited to see Oprah, she offered to buy myself and our other two roommates tickets to go with her if she could find them.

She could not find them. Turns out all of Australia loves Oprah.

I think the look on my face here just about sums up my thoughts:

I realize the woman does a lot of good deeds and is a very generous philanthropist, but I just don't get it. Never have. But, as it turns out, I did get to see Oprah after all. I took for an early morning run and headed toward the other side of the bay over the Harbour Bridge and what do you think I could see?

You can just barely see her; she's the tiny little orange figure in the O on the stage to the right of the Opera House.

So that was exciting. Sort of. Today is my last day in Sydney and tomorrow I am taking a little three-day road trip down to Melbourne where I will be staying with my brother and his family for Christmas. I am excited to see them, but a bit sad to be leaving Sydney.

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